Camambert/Brie Üretimi


Camambert/Brie Üretimi

Camambert/Brie peynirleri; yüzeyi küf ile olgunlaştırılan, sürülebilir peynir grubu için verilebilecek en iyi örnektir. Standart ölçüleri genellikle 11 cm çapında, 2,5 cm yüksekliğindedir. Yassı silindirik formda, yumuşak kıvamlı bir peynir türevidir. Camambert/Brie Üretimi Fransa’nın Normandiya bölgesinde doğmuştur. İlk defa 1790’lı yıllarda Camambert köyünde yaşayan çiftçi bir aile tarafından üretildiğine inanılmaktadır. Uzun süre sadece çiftliklerde geleneksel yöntemler ile üretildikten sonra, 20.yüz yılda endüstriyel boyutlarda üretimine geçilmiştir.

Camambert/Brie Üretimi

Yüzeyi küf ile inoküle edilen peynir türevlerinin üretimi hızlı bir şekilde Fransa’da ve sonrasında diğer Avrupa ülkelerinde yaygın hale gelmiştir. Farklı aroması ve kahvaltı sofralarında damakta tat bırakan eşsiz lezzeti, sürülebilir kıvamı ile her geçen gün tüketimi artmaktadır. Camambert/Brie Üretimi; günümüzde de, uzun yıllar Fransa’nın koloni bölgesi olarak kalmış olan Cezayir, Tunus, Fas gibi ülkelerde yoğun bir şekilde uygulanan, tüketici grubu tarafından en çok tercih edilen peynir türüdür.

MCM250 Camambert Mayalama Teknesi
Camambert/Brie Üretimi MİLKOSAN MCM250 Cheese Coagulation Vats are small size units of 250 lt-batch, where the Camambert cheese milk is inoculated with approprate bacterial culturs or enzyme solutions and where the forming curd is broken into small curd pieces of regular size.

Inoculation, Coagulation and Curd Breaking steps can also be carried out inside a large scale Cheese Process Tank. But the requirement of pumping the curd from the Cheese Process Tank to the filling unit after breaking/agitating it, mostly ends up with textural defects on the final product. Per teh feedbacks we have collected from our clients and cheese exprts on the field; we have designed our process line starting from MCM250 Camambert Coagulation Vats for the manufacture of Camambert Cheese with traditional aroma and flavours

There is no further need of curd pump after breaking the curd inside MİLKOSAN MCM250 Cheese Coagulation Vats, As this provides the curd a more confortable environment and tiring teh enzymes/bacterias inide the milk which enhances flavour-aroma andtexture formations; the final product quality is increases as well

Entegre Teleme Kırma Aparatı
Camambert/Brie Üretimi After achieving the desired acidity; coagulations is completed and the curd is cutten into small sized regular curd pieces by Curd Breaking Units.

Curd Breaking Units are designed for working together with MİLKOSAN MCM250 Cheese Coagulation Vats. The distance between the cutting wires is quite important for gaining regular size curd particles and achieving a good production yield at final. Too large curd particle size will result with unsufficient syneresis during pressing and turning, which will end with a product of high moisture content.

With the beefbacks from our clients who are handy experts/engineers of Camambert processing; MİLKOSAN comes up with the best proper solution for your Camambert Cheese Processing Line

P.A.S Filtreleme ve Tahliye Ünitesi
Camambert/Brie Üretimi Once the curd is cutten into regular sized small curd pieces, the whey part of the curd tends to leave the curd structure and set itself free with a yellow-greenish colour.

Whey Draining and Discharging Unit lets the liquid whey pass throught the pores while curd particles can not. Whey is directly pumped out and curd gains a more stable structure with increasing solid content.

This process can be considered as the first phase of syneresis during which a big part of the whey as seperated from the curd and handling gets easier.

MCM250 Pistonlu Tahliye Ünitesi
After the removal of whey during the first phase of syneresis by  Whey Draining and Discharging Unit; total curd quantity inside the vat is decreased.

Concentrated curd insinde MCM250 Camambert Coagulations Vats is completely poured by  Pneumatic Vat Lifting & Discharging Unit.

Pneumatic Lifting Unit is specially designed for working with MCM250 Coagulation Vats. It s fully made of AISI304 Stainless Steel as product will be on direct contact with the surfaces while being poured. MCM250 Vats are moved near MCM250 Lifters and fixed between the pneumatic lifting hands. The lock system keeps MCM250 Vat and lifts by the help of pneumatic pistons. Once the required height is achieved; CM250 Vat is turned and all the curd inside is discharged by flowing through CM250 Perforated Mould Filling Vat.

Camambert Kalıp Dolum Kılavuzu
The curd discharged from MCM250 Camambert Coagulation Vats flow through the stainless steel surface and drops into Camambert Moulds which are placed over MCM250 Perforated Mould Filling Guide.

Moulds are filled regularly while excess whey is draining out from the moulds, flowing through the perforated vat surface and being collected inside the vessel under the vat.

Perforated Moulding Vat and Pneumatic Lifting&Discharging units are integrated to each other and height of each unit has to be considered during design.

MCM250 Perforated Mould Filling Guide is fully made of AISI304 stainless steel and supported with 4 legs. Length of the edges can be customised per the size of Camambert Multi-Moulds used for moulding.

Kalıp Aktarma/Çevirme Ünitesi
Camambert/Brie Üretimi MİLKOSAN MCM250 Multi Mould Turner allows the rotation – rest – rotation process. Ideal for the whey draining and self-pressing process in order to achieve an optimal self-pressed fresh/white cheese.

Camambert moulds filled up with the curd, they are placed to GÜLER Multi Mould Turner as blocks of 10 and rotated-turned here for the removal of final whey content to achiave the desired solid content of the final product